My best friend
was the most loyal black lab mix. She was adopted through the SPCA after hurricane Katrina. She was supposed to be a family pet, but took to me. Her name was Yelrah (Yee-lar). I was still struggling with the loss of our family dog Harley, she was 6 months younger than me. We made it to 13 together before she ran across the rainbow bridge. I'll never forget the first time I saw Yedie, yes she had a few nick names, I thought she was cute, but then saw her as a replacement dog. I wasn't happy. To make a long story short Yee forced herself on me and that began our 12 year friendship.
I cannot explain the bond we had or the love I had for her. She was literally my best friend. She is where I truly learned what unconditional love was. We were always out adventuring together. From working at my neighbors taking care of their dogs to many wonderful hikes. Every one who met her couldn't deny the bond we had. She met so many people and touched so many lives.
Then April 18, 2018 I woke up to the worst news of my life. Yedie did not pull through the night. I was devastated. There was no way I was going to live in a world without her. I could not function or even go to work. I am so glad my boyfriend, now husband, let me grieve and not judged me. To some it's just a dog to me it was my child. Yes dogs are your children. You will never change my mind.
I have wanted to do something in honor of Yelrah, but wasn't sure exactly what. My first idea was to run a no kill shelter called Yelrah's friends, but unfortunately that is so incredibly expensive because you cannot get funding for it. Well recently in my photography groups I have had been seeing a lot of posts of people doing end of life sessions of people with their dogs. That yanked so hard at my heartstrings. I wanted to do this! But I could not advertise that because that just seemed so wrong. Then one day I saw a post in my local FB group of someone looking for this. I immediately commented my business. When she reached out I let her know that I had been wanting to do this for someone. I understand the importance of photos and I understand the heartache of losing your furry loved ones. It was such an honor to capture such heartfelt images for someone going through one of the hardest things a pet lover will endure in life.
This service is free of charge, I just request the client to donate to an animal shelter of their choice! I love my line of work and the things I can provide to people. Doing this session has sparked an idea for a new venture as well. But that will be discussed at a later time! Please if you are losing your best friend soon reach out so we can capture your love for them in photos. I can do the session within 24 hours of being contacted as long as I am in town❤️
In memory of Yelrah Katrina
January 11, 2006- April 18, 2018

Harley 1992-2005

My flower queen

"If loved could have saved you, you would have lived forever"